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City Council Minutes 02/13/2003
February 13, 2003

Roll Call - Councilor Jacobs and McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli
Staff Present
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Presentations and Proclamations - None

Public Announcements
City Manager
The City Manager reported the following:  
·       The “pink palaces” on Owasco Street are being demolished.  Also work began on the demolition on Bellevue Place.
·       He sent a letter to Dr. Zoltan Kiss inviting him to meet with the City Manager and staff.  

Public to be Heard - None

Report of City Officials
Councilor Hunter reported on his meeting Monday evening with the Auburn Doubledays.  They are building a batting tunnel.  Construction of the 80
Councilor Dempsey update Council on the AIDA meeting. Issues discussed were the Schine Theater and the Lattimore Hall project.

Councilor Hunter announced that Falcon Park was planning to host a series of music concerts at the ball park.

Mayor Carnicelli read an announcement that the Bluewater Blades figure skating club will hold and exhibition Saturday at Casey Park. Admission is free.

Committee Report - None

Presentation of Petition and Communications - The City Clerk read.

Agreement Resolution #42 of 2003 authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with INFRAMETRIX, LLC of Wakefield, MA for professional services to diagnose problems within the Water Distribution System, and for the preparation and execution of a computerized hydraulic water distribution model program, in the amount of $122,543.00, to be charged to Account #HF 8340.44.DQ.  VOTE: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli aye.  PASSED

Agreement Resolution #43 of 2003 authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Synthesis for the Dunn & McCarthy Neighborhood Plan, in the amount of $34,780.00 plus meeting expenses of approximately $7,950.00.  VOTE: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli aye  PASSED

Change Order Resolution #44 of 2003 authorizing Change Order # 1 to C&S Engineers Inc., for the Genesee Street Reconstruction Project, in the amount of $15,625.00 and cost of same to be transferred from CHIPS Account #HA 8110.440.006 to Account #HA 5110.440.BQ.   VOTE: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli aye.  PASSED

Agreement Resolution #45 of 2003 authorizing the Mayor to enter into a one-year Lease Agreement with PFI Housing Company of Auburn, Inc, for office space at Boyle Center to be utilized by the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP). VOTE: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli aye.  PASSED
Award Resolution #46 of 2003 authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with Environmental Design and Research, PC of Syracuse, New York, in the amount of $22,450.00 for architectural and engineering services related to the State Street Mall Redevelopment Project, to be charged to Account #CD 8686.2112.2002. VOTE: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli aye.  PASSED

Council Resolution #47 of 2003 authorizing the Mayor to execute an Addendum to Solid Waste Disposal Agreement with Casella Waste Management of N.Y., Inc.  VOTE: Councilor Jacobs, Hunter and Mayor Carnicelli aye, Councilor McNabb and Dempsey vote no.  PASSED  

Council Resolution #48 of 2003 authorizing the Mayor to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with Auburn Associates, LLC regarding the proposed realignment of McIntosh Drive Extension.   Mayor Carnicelli suggested edits to the text of this resolution.  Mr. Leone recommend that it be table and brought back next week with changes.  Councilor Dempsey seconded by Councilor Hunter moved to table.  VOTE: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli aye.  TABLED

Local Law - None

Tabled Legislation - None

Other Business
Second Public to be heard
Motion to adjourn to Executive Session at 6:55PM ending at 8:10PM.
